If you want to browse a list of public groups, use this procedure. You might do this if you want to visit a group's public page, or if you want to try joining a group.
To browse a list of public groups:
1. Navigate to an instance of the Campus Groups portlet that has been set up using the Browse Groups view. Alternatively, you can navigate to an instance set up using the My Groups view and click the Browse Groups link at the bottom of the portlet instance.
2. Review the list. If you already belong to any of these groups, the system displays a grayed-out label that says Member or Leader. Otherwise, groups that are available for you to join (or apply to) have a Join link. Groups that are closed to new members or which are available only by invitation are marked with a Closed label.
3. If you want to visit the context for any particular group, click the name of the group. To join a group, or apply to join, click the Join link.