Virtual Care Group - 01/02/2024

During the Fall semester, Pfeiffer University partnered with the Virtual Care Group to provide mental health counseling services to all enrolled students.  Counseling services are available 24/7/365 via telephone, web or app and are offered in 200 different languages, including ASL.  A link to their site is located in the Quick Links (left navigation pane) on my.Pfeiffer and also on the student's Quick Launch landing page.  




Books Included in Tuition - It's a Function of the Course

Books are included in tuition for students enrolled in Undergraduate courses but not Graduate courses.  How do you know the difference?  Undergraduate courses have course numbers that are in the 100s to 500s; Graduate level courses have course numbers ranging from 600s to 700s.  An undergraduate student taking a graduate level course will be responsible for purchasing books for that course.  A graduate student taking an undergraduate course will enjoy the benefit of the books for that course being included in their tuition rates.   

Pfeiffer University is a member of Acadeum, a consortium of colleges and universities that allows a Pfeiffer student to take an equivalent online course from another consortium member school.  The circumstances that permit a student take a course through Acadeum are specific and narrowly defined.  Because the course is not being taught at/by Pfeiffer University, any text required for the Acadeum course will be the financial responsibility of the student.  

Typically, Undergraduate students take UG courses, and Graduate students take GR courses.  However, there are times when students take courses that do not align with their division.  Whether the costs of books is included in your tuition is not a function of the student or their degree program; it's a function of the course in which they enroll and the division of that course.  

VA Chapter 33 students are not allowed to participate in this program due to federal rules and will be opted-out of this program by our Bookstore Manager.  

Books that have been rented must be returned at the end of the semester by the published deadline.  Any unreturned rented book will result in a charge on your student account.  

For more information and FAQs




my.Pfeiffer and Single-Sign-On (SSO) -- May 27, 2022

Beginning May 27, 2022, you will see a change to the login process for my.Pfeiffer.   It will look like the image above.  

If you have the following, you will use the yellow Login button:

If your Pfeiffer accounts have been issued, but you have not created your SSO account with QuickLaunch, you will need to complete the SSO account setup prior to accessing your my.Pfeiffer portal account.  

If your Pfeiffer accounts have not been issued, you will use the Login Here link.  Candidates for Admission can find their user name and password for this portal in either your 'Application Acknowledgment' letter or your 'Acceptance' letter from the Office of Admissions, or contact your Admissions Counselor.




Pfeiffer University Launches Financial Aid Portal

A new application has been added to Pfeiffer's Single Sign-On for students!  The Falcon Financial Aid portal site allows students to communicate with our Office of Financial Aid and its database.  Through this portal, students can safely and securely upload documents for verification.  Electronic acceptance/declining of awards and loans will happen within the portal.  Scholarship letters and awards from private organizations should be uploaded here too!  

A link to this portal has been added to the Quick Links options in the left navigation pane of the my.Pfeiffer portal.  If you have authenticated to your Quicklaunch account, it will automatically log you into the site.  




From the Pfeiffer University Business Office